Saturday, December 4, 2010

Announcing December's Cookbook

Those who know me well… know that I’m a huge Martha Stewart fan! I strive to be my own version of Martha…

Back when I was in college, my parents had gifted me a subscription to the Everyday Food magazine. This started a 4 year love affair with the food magazine, it became my go-to for all meals. Easy recipes, simple cooking techniques, gorgeous food photography. These little beauties solidified my love for the kitchen.

Each week when I menu plan, I pull out the month’s magazines and finger through to find our dinners. My husband and I both work full time with long hours so quick dinners are the name of the game. But who wants to sacrifice flavor and healthy, fresh food?!

I’m hoping Everyday Food: Fresh Flavor Fast becomes a part of your kitchen arsenal.


  1. I can't wait! I love Martha! I have her "Great Food Fast" cookbook so I'm really looking forward to some new recipes from "Fresh Flavor Fast". Thank you for this pick - we are going to eat well this month!

  2. Can't wait to start cooking from this month's pick... wish it would arrive already...common USPS!
