Friday, January 21, 2011

Roasted Vegetable Quesadillas

Let me begin by saying that while this is my first post of the month, I have been looking forward to cooking from this book since day one. I picked up Moosewood Restaurant New Classics at the library and immediately started marking all the recipes I wanted to make until I realized I had gone through a number of Post-Its and was only on Breakfast & Brunch! I had to quickly abandon that plan. All that to say, this book, while void of visual encouragement (no pictures of the food... I know, I sound like a child that wants to see "pretty pictures"), is irresistible and compels one to get in the kitchen to try new, delicious and healthy recipes.

I decided to make the Roasted Vegetable Quesadillas (page 136) for dinner last night, since I had arrived home late and had all the items on hand. It was extremely easy, just a quick chop and season, then into the oven at 425° until tender. Layer between 2 tortillas with cheese (I used Havarti since it was just lingering in my fridge, but turned out to be a great addition) heat in a skillet and voilà! I also accented the inside and top with cilantro, since everything is better with a bit of coriander. I imagine this to be close to a Tortilla Española with the potatoes. The roasted vegetables were savory, filling and wonderful after a long day. I am adding this to our dinner repertoire and will even experiment (as suggested in the book) with other items such as eggplant and portabello mushrooms. YUM!

Note: I was so stoked to score 2 of the earlier Moosewood Restaurant cookbooks plus The Enchanted Broccoli Forest (written by Mollie Katzen, author of the original MR cookbook AND author of the children's classic Pretend Soup) at the thrift store last weekend. I am looking forward to cooking some great food!


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