Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta

We were on a bit of a pasta kick last week. We made two excellent dishes that are definitely worth trying.
The first was the spinach linguine with creamy walnut sauce on page 108. It was good for the first time around. It was FULL of walnuts and so we'd cut the walnuts down to one cup and just add a few as garnish when plating. The second cup of walnuts that the recipe calls for was a bit much for us. That said, we will try this recipe again with that minor adjustment. If you like a thick creamy pasta, this dish will be a favorite.
The second recipe we tried last week was pasta with goat cheese and roasted asparagus on page 119. This is also a creamy dish but it is soooooooooooo good. The butter and goat cheese sauce is so different and a nice departure from a heavy cream based sauce. We both had seconds and that rarely happens at dinnertime. We even had the leftovers for lunch the next day. This recipe does not need any adjustments and can be your next knock out dinner.

Eat well,
Kimberly and David

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