Sunday, March 27, 2011

Deep Fried Wontons with Brie Cheese

Thursday night I attended a grade level party at the house of one of the first grade teachers at my school. Everyone was asked to bring a pupu, and I knew from the start exactly what I wanted to bring. I had had my eye on Sam Choy's wonton recipe, and finally had a reason to make them. It was super easy and quick, and the wontons and the marmalade all together consisted of only about 4 ingredients. The wontons were super yummy, though I burned the first few that I fried because myt oil was too hot. The marmalade was good, but I was in such a hurry to get to the party that I didn't have time for the sugar to fully turn into a syrup. I also poured into the pan the pineapple juice along with the pineapple chunks, which I think may have kept it so liquidy. However, the sweetness with pineapple along with the saltiness of the fried wonton and brie made for a delicious pupu! I left the party with none to bring home!


P.S. The picture is of my friend Kristi enjoying the wonton. She teaches first grade with me :)

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