Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Orecchiette al Forno-sorry to be late : )

A Platter of Figs was an overwhelming cookbook for me. Everything sounded amazing and I agree that some of the ingredients seemed way out there and way out of my skill level. I was inspired by the recipes my fellow bloggers made. You helped me realize that there is something in here I can make, so thank you. I do not usually use recipes when I cook, just fly by the seat of my pants, so I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do. It already feels like winter up here in Humboldt County so when I saw the pasta recipe on pg 260 in the Winter Menu section it really caught my eye. I love sausage and greens so that also helped me make my decision. I have used orecchiette in the past, but of course I went to 2 different supermarkets and no one had it in stock so I had to use some rotini I already had on hand. Also could not find rapini...probably because it is not in season yet LOL I felt like I was missing the whole point of the book but I went with spinach because it looked beautiful. I wish we had a Whole Foods here!!!

The pasta dish turned out really well even with the substitution of ingredients. I also cut the recipe in half because 2 llbs of pasta could feed an army! It was hearty, earthy and spicy and I cant complain about that combination. I also wish I could have found some fresh ricotta. I have never had it before and wonder if it would have made the dish creamier. I would say that was the main texture it was missing. I did not make my own sausage either. I opted for a hot pork sausage since I love spicy food and it still had a fennel flavor.

Thanks all you really inspired me with your well written posts and amazing skills. Sorry to be late on this post. I am really excited for Ina : ) : )

1 comment:

  1. Amy, you are too funny! this dish looks delish...cheesy, spicy goodness :) i want to eat it now (no, seriously, my stomach is growling)! also, i had no idea what rapini was until a few days ago. we had broccoli rabe rapini and it was so intense... tasted like horseradish. i loved it!
