Friday, December 31, 2010

Chicken Milanese with Arugula Salad

The meal I chose to make from Food Everyday: Fresh Flavor Fast is Chicken Milanese with Arugula Salad. It was so yummy and super easy to make!
I started off with have to pound the chicken into thinner slices, which is something that I have never done before. It was a lot of fun. And if I had had any built up agression I am sure it would have been therapeutic. I then had to toast the breadcrumbs that I had bought. I thought this a bit odd and wondered "why is she having me do this?" But once the chicken was covered in the breadcrumbs I could see why. Toasting the breadcrumbs first gave the chicken a "fried" look with out it actually being fried, and then I just baked the chicken.
The salad was absolutely perfect with the chicken, and the flavors balanced each other well.
This dish was super easy and I would totally make it again. I also included an encore from last months cookbook, the pomegranate cosmopolitan. I mean, if that's what Ina drinks with her friends then you bet I will do the same!
My sous chef for this meal was none other than our fabulous ring leader Stephanie. Our two friends Claire and Jill were there too, so it was a grand old time. I also got to cook for the rest of my family. It was a hit with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. this chicken was FABULOUS! so tender and flavorful; great job CJ! oh, and the cosmos... YUM :)
