Saturday, January 8, 2011

Not so whole wheat, cherry "whole wheat cherry scones"

I love breakfast! But unfortunately, I never really get to enjoy it. Most days, I make myself a piece of toast or an eggo, or just grab whatever I can find in the pantry or fridge and eat it at work. Rarely do I ever just sit and savor this meal, especially on a weekday. So I decided to make one of the breakfast dishes from this month's cookbook.
The one that stood out to me was the "cherry whole wheat scones". Now, I am a total protein girl. I love meat and eggs and the like, and for me the ultimate breakfast has some form of both. But who can resist a scone! Especially one right out of the oven! I have never made scones before, and I decided to give it a shot.
Gathering up everything that I needed was a bit of a challenge. First of all, I didn't have a sifter. I went to Target and they didn't have any! Can you believe it!?! So then I tried the local cookery shop, but unfortunately they were closed. So when I went to Safeway to get the flour for this recipe, I decided to check there. And praise the Lord they had one left! I now have a sifter, so yay me :) Unfortunately, both Target and Safeway do not carry whole wheat pastry flour, which I needed for this recipe. So I decided to just use regular old unbleached all purpose flour instead and hope for the best. The other change I made was instead of using dried cherries and got mini chocolate chips instead. So my whole wheat cherry scones were no longer whole wheat or cherry, but I was definitely okay with that.
The scones were SUPER easy to make. Despite the book saying that the prep time was 30 minutes, it really only took me about 10 or 15 to put it all together. And then only 15 minutes to bake. This and a cup of Kona coffee was a perfect breakfast to make for a lazy Saturday morning.

1 comment:

  1. good idea with the chocolate chips crystal! sounds mmm mmm yummy:)
