Sunday, April 24, 2011

Uova Benedetto

Breakfast on Easter Sunday!
This Italian take on eggs benedict was a really nice Easter morning breakfast. We made our own pesto since store bought just doesn't hold a candle to the real thing in my opinion! We loved the polenta as the base for this benedict but if we make again, we would definitely add an extra flavor boost to it by melting in some grated parmesan cheese as it turned out pretty bland. I just love the effect of crisping the polenta in a bit of butter as it gives the outside a light crunch while the inside remains soft. The crispy prosciutto, poached egg and pesto did add a lot of flavor and richness, so perhaps that is why the recipe didn't call to season the polenta at all, but in our opinion it could definitely benefit from more cheese. Come to think of it, most things could benefit from more cheese!

buon appetito!


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