Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Good Dinner with a Good Friend and a Delicious Cosmopolitan

Today I finally got November's cookbook, "Back to the Basics". I was fourth on the wait list for the book at the public library, and as they say, "better late than never!" So here I am, one full month and book behind and decided to get right on it!

As I looked through the book after returning from the library this morning, I decided that I wanted to make something quick and easy, with the fewest amount of ingredients possible! December feels like crunch time for me, and I knew that if I was going to make anything it needed to be today.

The first recipe that caught my attention was the pomegranate cosmopolitan. Ina's opening for this recipe was perfect: "When I'm overwhelmed (which is often!) I wonder if I need to change my life. Instead, I realize that I just need a good dinner with a dear friend and a delicious cosmopolitan." With only four more days of school left before Christmas break and the end of the second quarter I have had many days this week where all I wanted was an "adult drink".

In addition to the cosmo I decided to make the bruschetta with peppers and gorgonzola. They both turned out amazing! I also purchased the ingredients, created the dishes and enjoyed their flavors with my dear friend and roommate Chrissy, so it was a good time all around! We both lost count of how many bruschettas we devoured and who is to say exactly how many cosmos we had since we both "topped off" our glasses a few times. It was an absolutely lovely evening and lovely day, and they are both dishes that I would happily and could easily make again!


1 comment:

  1. crystal , those little bites look super good, and the cosmo... it's not even 9am, but i could sure have one of those now! thanks for the fun post :)
