Friday, December 31, 2010

Chicken Milanese with Arugula Salad

The meal I chose to make from Food Everyday: Fresh Flavor Fast is Chicken Milanese with Arugula Salad. It was so yummy and super easy to make!
I started off with have to pound the chicken into thinner slices, which is something that I have never done before. It was a lot of fun. And if I had had any built up agression I am sure it would have been therapeutic. I then had to toast the breadcrumbs that I had bought. I thought this a bit odd and wondered "why is she having me do this?" But once the chicken was covered in the breadcrumbs I could see why. Toasting the breadcrumbs first gave the chicken a "fried" look with out it actually being fried, and then I just baked the chicken.
The salad was absolutely perfect with the chicken, and the flavors balanced each other well.
This dish was super easy and I would totally make it again. I also included an encore from last months cookbook, the pomegranate cosmopolitan. I mean, if that's what Ina drinks with her friends then you bet I will do the same!
My sous chef for this meal was none other than our fabulous ring leader Stephanie. Our two friends Claire and Jill were there too, so it was a grand old time. I also got to cook for the rest of my family. It was a hit with everyone!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stuffed Poblanos, pg. 258

After reading Stephanie's post regarding the stuffed poblanos, we were looking forward to giving these a try. There is a restaurant in town that used to have a great stuffed poblano, but being unable to get it there anymore (the recipe has changed), we wanted a go-to version to make at home. We liked the Everyday Food poblanos, which we served over rice.
But next time, we'd like to add some cooked quinoa to the filling, in an effort to recreate the restaurant's version of this great meal.

Eat well,
Kimberly and David

Monday, December 27, 2010

Curried Tofu, pg. 238

Ok, Ok, so the true recipe is called Curried Shrimp. We however, replaced the shrimp with grilled tofu and it turned out really well. As we started eating, we realized this recipe had a lot in common with a curry peanut butter dish we've made in the past. The next time we make this recipe, we will add a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, to make a richer peanut/curry style sauce. We hope this will be a good marriage of the two recipes.

Eat well,
Kimberly and David

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta

We were on a bit of a pasta kick last week. We made two excellent dishes that are definitely worth trying.
The first was the spinach linguine with creamy walnut sauce on page 108. It was good for the first time around. It was FULL of walnuts and so we'd cut the walnuts down to one cup and just add a few as garnish when plating. The second cup of walnuts that the recipe calls for was a bit much for us. That said, we will try this recipe again with that minor adjustment. If you like a thick creamy pasta, this dish will be a favorite.
The second recipe we tried last week was pasta with goat cheese and roasted asparagus on page 119. This is also a creamy dish but it is soooooooooooo good. The butter and goat cheese sauce is so different and a nice departure from a heavy cream based sauce. We both had seconds and that rarely happens at dinnertime. We even had the leftovers for lunch the next day. This recipe does not need any adjustments and can be your next knock out dinner.

Eat well,
Kimberly and David

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Glazed Lemon Pound Cakes

I was unsure about making this recipe at first, thinking that we would eat a whole cake that consisted of 2 sticks of butter. Then I realized that this recipe was for 2 loaves, and I felt much better about consuming a single-stick-of-butter loaf, no problem. These Glazed Lemon Pound Cakes came out perfect, literally. That does not normally happen when I bake; usually it's undercooked and doughy, or overcooked and burnt around the edges. I would like to think that I am just becoming a master chef, but I think it's more likely that this recipe has been perfected and anyone can achieve amazing, impressive results.
I ended up freezing the 2nd loaf so that we have a treat on-hand over the next few weeks (plus I have heard from a few cake-specialist that freezing a cake will actually make it more moist, not that this was lacking tenderness in the least bit). We enjoyed a slice (ok, 2 slices) for dessert and another for breakfast with our coffee. A perfect, versatile treat.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We couldn't remember the last time we had minestrone soup, so we decided this would be a perfect recipe to try (pg. 101). We did all of the prep and first simmer in the morning then let it sit on the stove all day (without heat). That made dinner super easy since all we had to do was bring the pot back up to a simmer then add the beans and noodles.

This soup was fantastic and will join the winter night rotation. David's homemade bread was the perfect accompaniment.

Eat Well,
Kimberly and David

Egg in the Hole

I love a good, runny (organic only) egg so this ultra-simple recipe was perfect. The hole in the bread (I used a glass rim to press it out) restricts the spread of the white, nestling the yolk and keeping the egg from overcooking too quickly. This was delicious and easy enough to prepare for breakfast (or lunch...or dinner).


ps... I am REALLY loving this month's book... all the recipes have been simple, tasty, and fun to prepare :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Everday Food on Google Books

Google Books is a great online resource for reading/viewing/accessing books online. While our December pick is not available in its entirety, there are many pages and recipes that anyone can read and use!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pork Paprika

This warm, hearty meal was wonderful! Pork Paprika was one of the first recipes I marked "to make"... it may have been the enticing butter noodles or the description as a Hungarian classic that pulled me in, but the result will make this a go-to meal in our home. Brian was giving "mmmm's" from "office" at the smells drifting through our studio. I wish this recipe was available online so I could share... if you have the book, MAKE THIS!
It was surprising how much paprika goes into this dish. I coated the pork chunks in the 1T as directed and thought "wow, that's a lot!". Then realized half way through you are to add yet another tablespoon of paprika! That Martha knows what she's doing because this dish was perfectly seasoned. Everything came together so quickly, I kept re-reading the directions to make sure I wasn't missing a step.
This recipe serves 4, and we had plenty of leftovers for a second meal but I will need to make more noodles to accompany the dish. I must admit that I pulled the cold meal from the fridge and took a few bites, just to revisit the spicy, tomato flavor... I felt like Nigella Lawson at the end of an episode where she sneaks into the kitchen for a late night snack. I encourage you to give this one a try!


A Good Dinner with a Good Friend and a Delicious Cosmopolitan

Today I finally got November's cookbook, "Back to the Basics". I was fourth on the wait list for the book at the public library, and as they say, "better late than never!" So here I am, one full month and book behind and decided to get right on it!

As I looked through the book after returning from the library this morning, I decided that I wanted to make something quick and easy, with the fewest amount of ingredients possible! December feels like crunch time for me, and I knew that if I was going to make anything it needed to be today.

The first recipe that caught my attention was the pomegranate cosmopolitan. Ina's opening for this recipe was perfect: "When I'm overwhelmed (which is often!) I wonder if I need to change my life. Instead, I realize that I just need a good dinner with a dear friend and a delicious cosmopolitan." With only four more days of school left before Christmas break and the end of the second quarter I have had many days this week where all I wanted was an "adult drink".

In addition to the cosmo I decided to make the bruschetta with peppers and gorgonzola. They both turned out amazing! I also purchased the ingredients, created the dishes and enjoyed their flavors with my dear friend and roommate Chrissy, so it was a good time all around! We both lost count of how many bruschettas we devoured and who is to say exactly how many cosmos we had since we both "topped off" our glasses a few times. It was an absolutely lovely evening and lovely day, and they are both dishes that I would happily and could easily make again!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cheddar-Corn Spoon Bread

Yes, looks can be deceiving... this spoon bread taste much better then it appears! I decided to make this Cheddar-Corn Spoon Bread to accompany our Stuffed Poblano leftovers. This was almost like a soufflé with the whipped-in egg whites, and while I would have preferred more corn flavor and less egg, this was very tasty and I will make it again. I may even try spicing it up with diced jalapenos or Oretga chilies.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Stuffed Poblanos

Or so I thought. Who knew the great debate happening long before my first encounter with the so-called Pasilla pepper. This is how it began:
I received our new cookbook at my office, eagerly flipped through the colorful pages and settled, rather quickly, on the delicious looking "Stuffed Poblanos" recipe (maybe it had something to with the smell of Chile Relleno in the office... one will never know). I used my lunch break to gather the ingredients at the store, but came to a confusing stop when the pepper that I recognized at site as a poblano, was labeled at the market as a pasilla pepper. "Eh?" After looking up and down the produce for any other identical pepper called poblano, I realized I was on a time crunch, so I grabbed these "pasillas". At the check out the lady looked at me and confirmed, "Pasilla?"..."I guess?!".
So to settle the debate I thought I would simply google the two peppers (in secret of course, because now all my self-proclaimed culinary prowess was coming into question). Come to find out, I was not the only one confused... It appears that this mis-labeling of the poblano as a pasilla is a California quirk that has been noted by such knowledgeable Mexican cuisine chefs as Rick Bayless. Phew!

So, to get on with the actual recipe...

This was a delicious dish: quick, easy, fresh, flavorful; completely doable on a weeknight after a long day of work. This recipe made enough for me to split into 2 medium casserole dishes, so I froze one (prior to baking) for a quick go-to meal in the upcoming weeks.

I made Spanish rice to accompany the stuffed poblanos, which worked well to soak up the slightly-spicy tomato sauce.

Overall, a great vegetarian-friendly meal that's satisfying when you are having a hunger for Mexican food, but won't leave you feeling weighed down with grease. Looking forward to leftovers!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Announcing December's Cookbook

Those who know me well… know that I’m a huge Martha Stewart fan! I strive to be my own version of Martha…

Back when I was in college, my parents had gifted me a subscription to the Everyday Food magazine. This started a 4 year love affair with the food magazine, it became my go-to for all meals. Easy recipes, simple cooking techniques, gorgeous food photography. These little beauties solidified my love for the kitchen.

Each week when I menu plan, I pull out the month’s magazines and finger through to find our dinners. My husband and I both work full time with long hours so quick dinners are the name of the game. But who wants to sacrifice flavor and healthy, fresh food?!

I’m hoping Everyday Food: Fresh Flavor Fast becomes a part of your kitchen arsenal.

cocktail hour

I fell in love with the Ina Garten's Back to Basics when I first opened it up to the cocktail hour chapter. What's not to love about cocktail hour?

I made the parmesan & thyme crackers (pg 30) from this chapter because I was intrigued by the idea of a savory shortbread. With just a few simple ingredients (butter, Parmesan, fresh thyme, salt, pepper, and flour) these crackers came together easily. As the recipe suggested, I did have to add an extra teaspoon of water to the dough before shaping it into a log as it was a bit too dry to hold a shape.
We could hardly wait for the crackers to cool down after they came out of the oven - they looked so tasty. Lightly browned, flecked with aromatic thyme leaves and glistening from all that butter! I served these with a glass of crisp, chilled chardonnay. Delightful!